About Me

I am Modern Mom-mom...
"Mom-mom" to twin girls (keepers of my heart), wife, daughter, sister, friend.  I have always had a mild case of OCD - "I like things a specific way" (quoting myself on my HGTV's Designed to Sell episode), but since becoming a mom and finally starting to become slightly less overwhelmed, I have discovered I secretly desire to be crafty.  This is especially true in the form of sewing as of late.  I also love interior design (goes well with my OCD), organization (ditto), cooking, baking, photography, other crafts, reading, shopping, and fashion (this does not mean I consider myself fashionable!).  I also adore talking nonstop about my girls and how much my master's degree in child development has not prepared me nearly enough for raising them as well as I hoped it would.  They've never been easy and I don't expect that to change anytime soon (or ever!).  My hubby and mom and mother-in-law have been telling me for months (like 20?) that I should write a blog about all these things, but it wasnt't until I really got into sewing (2 weeks ago) that I decided I would give it a try...like most other things in my life, it should be an adventure!  :)  I hope you will join me on this adventure and enjoy the ride!