Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Queen's Sewing Saturday

My in-laws babysat the girls at their house all weekend (thank you!), so I spent the majority of Saturday sewing - and it was great!  Except that I had planned to make many more things than I actually had time to make because apparently I am the Queen of Silly Sewing Mistakes!  I don't know what the equivalent to having a green thumb is in sewing, but whatever it is, I definitely don't have it!  More like a black thumb.  Sewing definitely does not come naturally to me.  But I love it anyway.  It's about the process as much as the product, so thankfully I don't get too upset with myself, but it is rather annoying that I make such silly mistakes so often!  I just keep hoping my practice will help improve my skills with time.  And with all the projects I have planned and all the new ones I keep finding on pinterest and in the sewing books I keep looking at, there will definitely be plenty of practice!  Here's what I accomplished on my Sewing Saturday:

I'm really happy with the way my girls' library book bags turned out (I especially love the fabrics!) - they are reversible, which I think is really cool, but they were supposed to be even cooler with pockets, square bottoms, and interface lining.  The pockets were just a silly mistake, but the bottoms and the lining I completely did not understand how to do despite looking at several different explanations.  I think my mom will have to have a sit-down with me to explain this!  Again, none of this comes naturally to me!  It's like trying to build a skyscraper from scratch - I just can't see how it's supposed to be and need really detailed instructions.

This is the tutorial I used:

As you can see, hers looks a little sturdier than mine!  But for my first bag, I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.  I just wish it had taken me the 30-45 minutes it should have taken, rather than the 5 hours the two bags took altogether!  Then maybe I could have worked on my living room pillows, camera lens cap pouch for my mom, pj pants for my girls, etc...  Oh well - maybe I will be more successful next time!

Hope you all have a good weekend!